

Publications may be sorted by clicking the desired header. Each title links to the full publication.

Subject Matter Knowledge of Geometry Needed in Tasks of Teaching: Relationship to Prior Geometry Teaching ExperienceKo I, & Herbst P Ko, I., & Herbst, P. (2020). Subject Matter Knowledge of Geometry Needed in Tasks of Teaching: Relationship to Prior Geometry Teaching Experience, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 51(5), 600-630.2020
Technology-Mediated Mathematics Teacher Development: Research on Digital Pedagogies of PracticeHerbst P, Chazan D, Chieu V M, Milewski A, Kosko K, Aaron W,Herbst, P., Chazan, D., Chieu, V. M., Milewski, A., Kosko, K., and Aaron, W. (2016). Technology-Mediated Mathematics Teacher Development: Research on Digital Pedagogies of Practice. In M. Niess, K. Hollebrands, & S. Driskell (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Transforming Mathematics Teacher Education in the Digital Age (pp. 78-106). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.2016
Research on the Teaching of Mathematics: A Call to Theorize the Role of Society and Schooling in MathematicsChazan D, Herbst P, Clark L,Chazan, D., Herbst, P., and Clark, L. (2016). Research on the Teaching of Mathematics: A Call to Theorize the Role of Society and Schooling in Mathematics. In D. Gitomer and C. Bell (Eds.), Handbook of research on teaching (5th ed., pp. 1039-1097). Washington, DC: AERA. 2016
The Role of Theory Development in Increasing the Subject Specificity of Research on Mathematics TeachingHerbst P, Chazan D,Herbst, P. and Chazan, D. (2017). The role of theory development in increasing the subject specificity of research on mathematics teaching. In J. Cai (Ed.), Compendium for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 102-127). Reston, VA: NCTM.2017
The Learning and Teaching of Secondary School Geometry: A Modeling PerspectiveHerbst P, Fujita T, Halverscheid S, Weiss M,Herbst, P., Fujita, T., Halverscheid, S., and Weiss, M. (2017). The learning and teaching of secondary school geometry: A modeling perspective. New York: Routledge.2017
Technology tools for mathematics teacher learning: How might they support the development of capacity for specific teaching assignments?Herbst P, Chazan D, Milewski A,Herbst, P., Chazan, D., & Milewski, A. (2020). Technology tools for mathematics teacher learning: How might they support the development of capacity for specific teaching assignments? In O. Chapman & S. Llinares (Eds.), Handbook of research in mathematics teacher education (pp. 223-251). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Sense.2020
What Details Do Teachers Expect From Student Proofs? A Study of Proof Checking in GeometryDimmel J, Herbst P,Dimmel, J. K., & Herbst, P. G. (2018). What Details Do Teachers Expect From Student Proofs? A Study of Proof Checking in Geometry, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education JRME, 49(3), 261-291.2018
On the instructional triangle and sources of justification for actions in mathematics teachingHerbst P, Chazan D,Herbst, P and Chazan, D. (2012). On the instructional triangle and sources of justification for actions in mathematics teaching. ZDM The International Journal of Mathematics Education (44th ed., pp. 601-612).2012
Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching and its Specificity to High School Geometry InstructionHerbst P, Kosko KW,Herbst, P., & Kosko, K. (2014). Mathematical knowledge for teaching and its specificity to high school geometry instruction. In J. Lo, K. R. Leatham, & L. R. Van Zoest (Eds.), Research Trends in Mathematics Teacher Education (pp. 23-45). New York, NY: Springer.2014

Some publications in these lists have been produced with NSF grant funding from GRIP’s concluded and ongoing projects. Others are more conceptual. Project specific publications can be seen from their respective pages.



Investigating the Potential for the Annotation of Less Desirable Lessons to Serve as Low Floor/High Ceiling Tasks For Lesson-Centered Professional DevelopmentBrown A, Jeon S, Herbst P, Schwarts GBrown A., Jeon S., Herbst P., and Schwarts, G. (2024). Investigating the Potential for the Annotation of Less Desirable Lessons to Serve as Low Floor/High Ceiling Tasks For Lesson-Centered Professional Development. Paper presented at the 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME), July 2024, Sydney, Australia2024
Lesson-Centered Professional Development For Supporting Collaborative Cross-National Teacher Learning: Opportunities and ChallengesBrown A, Cao Y, Chan M.C.E, Clarke D, Fletcher A, Herbst P, Huget J, Jeon S, Kumar R, Peter-Koopi A, Mesiti C, Nivera G, Wang C, Zhang SBrown A., Cao Y., Chan M.C.E, Clarke D., Fletcher A, Herbst P., Huget J., Jeon S., Kumar R., Peter-Koopi A., Mesiti C., Nivera G., Wang C., and Zhang S. (2024). Lesson-Centered Professional Development For Supporting Collaborative Cross-National Teacher Learning: Opportunities and Challenges. Working Group presented at the 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME), July 2024, Sydney, Australia2024
Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Justification For Sequencing Student WorkJeon S, Brown A, Savuran R, Herbst P.Jeon S., Brown A., Savuran R., and Herbst P. (2024). Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Justification For Sequencing Student Work. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA), November 2024, Cleveland, Ohio2024
Illustrating a method for analyzing multimodal artifacts used in transactions of practiceSchwarts, G., Herbst, P., & Brown, A. M.Schwarts, G., Herbst, P., & Brown, A. M. (2024). Illustrating a method for analyzing multimodal artifacts used in transactions of practice. In Evans, T., Marmur, O., Hunter, J., Leach, G., & Jhagroo, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 47th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 3, pp. 26 - 33). Auckland, New Zealand: PME2024
What does it Mean for Geometry Teachers to Improve a Lesson? A Multimodal AnalysisSchwarts G Herbst P, Jeon S, Brown ASchwarts, G., Herbst P., Jeon S., and Brown A., (2023). What does it Mean for Geometry Teachers to Improve a Lesson? A Multimodal Analysis. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA), October 2023, Reno, Nevada2023
Examining an Online, International Exchange Professional Development Program for High School TeachersBrown, A. & Herbst, P.Brown, A. & Herbst, P. (2023). Examining an Online, International Exchange Professional Development Program for High School Teachers. Poster presented at 2023 DRK-12 PI Meeting Conference, Washington D.C. (DRK-12 PI, June 2023)2023
“It’s a different mindset here”: Facilitation challenges in a practice-based professional developmentSchwarts G, Stevens I, Herbst P, Brown ASchwarts, G., Stevens, I., Herbst, P., & Brown, A. (2022). "It's a different mindset here": Facilitation challenges in a practice-based professional development. In Lischka, A. E., Dyer, E. B., Jones, R. S., Lovett, J., Strayer, J., & Drown, S. (Eds). Proceedings of the 44th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 1461-1469). Middle Tennessee State University.2022
Beyond correctness: What do teachers notice about student work produced in problem-based lessons?Schwarts G, Herbst P, Stevens I, Brown ASchwarts, G., Herbst, P., Stevens, I., & Brown, A. (2023). Beyond correctness: What do teachers notice about student work produced in problem-based lessons? Paper presented at the 2023 meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, USA, April 2023.2023
Framing, responsiveness, serviceability, and normativity: Categories of perception teachers use to relate to students’ mathematical work in problem-based lessonsHerbst P G, Brown A M, Chazan D, Boileau N, Stevens I Herbst, P. G., Brown, A. M., Chazan, D., Boileau, N., & Stevens, I. (in press). Framing, responsiveness, serviceability, and normativity: Categories of perception teachers use to relate to students’ mathematical work in problem-based lessons. School Science and Mathematics.(in press)
On designing better structures for feedback in practice-based professional development: Using “failure” to innovateBrown A M, Herbst PBrown, A. M., & Herbst, P. (in press) On designing better structures for feedback in practice-based professional development: Using “failure” to innovate. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education Special Issue: What went wrong? Learning from less successful professional development for mathematics teachers.(in press)
Assessing the potential of innovative pedagogies of teaching: An analytic model for gauging the kinds of instructional practices made available for novice to practice through various forms of approximationMilewski A, Erickson A, Herbst PBrown, A. M., Herbst, P., & Hanby, K. (2022). Assessing the potential of innovative pedagogies of teaching: An analytic model for gauging the kinds of instructional practices made available for novice to practice through various forms of approximation. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 24(2), 57 – 85.2022
“It Depends …”: Using Ambiguities to Better Understand Mathematics Teachers’ Decision-makingMilewski A, Erickson A, & Herbst PMilewski, A., Erickson, A. & Herbst, P. (2021). “It Depends …”: Using Ambiguities to Better Understand Mathematics Teachers’ Decision-making. Can. J. Sci. Math. Techn. Educ. 21, 123–144. 2021
Confronting Teachers with Contingencies to Support Their Learning About Situation-Specific Pedagogical Decisions in an Online ContextBrown A M, Stevens I, Herbst P, Huhn CBrown A.M., Stevens I., Herbst P., Huhn C. (2021) Confronting Teachers with Contingencies to Support Their Learning About Situation-Specific Pedagogical Decisions in an Online Context. In: Hollebrands K., Anderson R., Oliver K. (eds) Online Learning in Mathematics Education. Research in Mathematics Education. Springer, Cham.2021
How can teaching simulations help us study at scale the tensions mathematics teachers have to manage when considering policy recommendations?Herbst P, Shultz M, Bardelli, EHerbst, P., Shultz, M., Bardelli, E. et al. (2021). How can teaching simulations help us study at scale the tensions mathematics teachers have to manage when considering policy recommendations?. Educ Stud Math.2021
Proof exercises and how they challenge the work of students and teachers in high school geometryHerbst PHerbst, P. (2015). Proof exercises and how they challenge the work of students and teachers in high school geometry. In E. A. Silver & P. A. Kenney (Eds.), More lessons learned from research: Volume 1, Useful and useable research related to core mathematical practices (pp. 49-57). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics2015
“Doing proofs” in geometry classroomsHerbst P, Chen C, Weiss M, González G, Nachlieli T, Hamlin M, Brach CHerbst P, Chen C, Weiss M, and González G, with Nachlieli T, Hamlin M, and Brach C. (2009). “Doing proofs” in geometry classrooms. In M. Blanton, D. Stylianou, and E. Knuth (Eds.), Teaching and learning of proof across the grades: A K-16 perspective (pp. 250- 268). New York: Routledge2009
Proving and Knowing in Public: What Counts as Proof in a ClassroomHerbst P, Balacheff NHerbst, P. and Balacheff, N. (2009). Proving and Knowing in Public: What Counts as Proof in a Classroom. In M. Blanton, D. Stylianou, and E. Knuth (Eds.), Teaching and learning of proof across the grades: A K-16 perspective (pp. 40-63). New York: Routledge2009
Subject Matter Knowledge of Geometry Needed in Tasks of Teaching: Relationship to Prior Geometry Teaching ExperienceKo I, & Herbst P Ko, I., & Herbst, P. (2020). Subject Matter Knowledge of Geometry Needed in Tasks of Teaching: Relationship to Prior Geometry Teaching Experience, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 51(5), 600-630.2020
Theory in mathematics education scholarshipSilver E, Herbst PSilver, E. and Herbst, P. (2007). Theory in mathematics education scholarship. In F. Lester (Ed.), Second Handbook of Research in Mathematics Teaching and Learning (pp. 39-67). Charlotte, NC: Information Age2007
Instructional alternatives via a virtual setting: Rich media supports for teacher developmentChazan D, Herbst P, Sela HChazan, D., Herbst, P. & Sela, H. (2011). Instructional alternatives via a virtual setting: Rich media supports for teacher development. In Zaslavsky, O. and Sullivan, P. (Eds.). Constructing knowledge for teaching secondary mathematics: Tasks to enhance prospective and practicing teacher learning (pp. 23-37). New York: Springer2011
Proof, proving, and teacher-student interaction in the mathematics classroom: Theories and diverse contextsJones K, Herbst PJones, K. and Herbst, P. (2012). Proof, proving, and teacher-student interaction in the mathematics classroom: Theories and diverse contexts. In G. Hanna and M. de Villiers (Eds.), Proof and proving in mathematics education (pp. 261-277). New York: Springer2012
Examining the work of teaching geometry as a subject specific phenomenonHerbst P, Boileau N, Gürsel UHerbst, P., Boileau, N., and Gürsel, U. (2018). Examining the work of teaching geometry as a subject specific phenomenon. In P. Herbst, U. Cheah, K. Jones, & P. Richard (Eds.), International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Geometry in Secondary Schools (pp. 87-110). Springer2018
Geometric modeling of mesospace objects: A task, its didactical variables, and the mathematics at stakeHerbst P, Boileau NHerbst, P. & Boileau, N. (2018). Geometric modeling of mesospace objects: A task, its didactical variables, and the mathematics at stake. In K. Mix & M. Battista (Eds.). Visualizing Mathematics: The Role of Spatial Reasoning in Mathematical Thought (p. 277- 308). Cham, Switzerland: Springer2018
Producing a Viable Story of Geometry Instruction: What Kind of Representation Calls Forth Teachers’ Practical Rationality?Herbst P, Chazan DHerbst, P. and Chazan, D. (2006). Producing a Viable Story of Geometry Instruction: What Kind of Representation Calls Forth Teachers’ Practical Rationality? In Alatorre, S., Cortina, J.L., Sáiz, M., and Méndez, A.(Eds) Proceedings of The 28th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol 2, 213-220). Mérida, México: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional2006
The nature and role of proof when installing theorems: The perspective of geometry teachersMiyakawa T, Herbst PMiyakawa, T. and Herbst, P. (2007). The nature and role of proof when installing theorems: The perspective of geometry teachers. In Proceedings of the 31th Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Seoul, Korea2007
Students engaged in proving – participants in an inquiry process or executers of a predetermined script?Nachlieli T, Herbst PNachlieli, T. and Herbst, P. (2007). Students engaged in proving - participants in an inquiry process or executers of a predetermined script? In Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Seoul, Korea2007
Geometry teachers’ perspectives on convincing and proving when installing a theorem in classMiyakawa T, Herbst PMiyakawa, T. and Herbst, P. (2007). Geometry teachers’ perspectives on convincing and proving when installing a theorem in class. In Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Reno, NV.2007
ThEMaT’s virtual settings: Practicing math teaching with web-based interactive rich-media technologiesChieu V, Weiss M, Herbst PChieu, V.M., Weiss, M., & Herbst, P.G. (2008). ThEMaT’s virtual settings: Practicing math teaching with web-based interactive rich-media technologies. Proceedings of the 19th SITE International Conference on Information Technology and Teacher Education, Las Vegas, NV, March 3-7, pp. 4587–45922008
Learning to teach: Web-based interactive richmedia technologies supporting cognitive flexibility in teacher educationChieu V, Herbst PChieu, V.M. & Herbst, P.G. (2008). Learning to teach: Web-based interactive richmedia technologies supporting cognitive flexibility in teacher education. Proceedings of the 19th SITE International Conference on Information Technology and Teacher Education, Las Vegas, NV, March 3-7, pp. 4579–45862008
The teacher and the taskHerbst PHerbst, P. (2008). The teacher and the task. In O. Figueras, J. Cortina, S. Alatorre, T. Rojano, & A. Sepúlveda (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32th Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 1, pp. 125-131). Morelia, Mexico: Universidad Michoacana San Nicolás de Hidalgo2008
Using Web 2.0 Interactive Richmedia Technologies in Mathematics Teacher DevelopmentChieu V, Weiss M, Herbst PChieu, V. M., Weiss, M. & Herbst, P. (2009). Using Web 2.0 Interactive Richmedia Technologies in Mathematics Teacher Development. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2009 (pp. 3619-3624). Chesapeake, VA: AACE2009
Representations of mathematics teaching and their use in teacher education: What do we need in a pedagogy for the 21st century?Herbst P, Bieda K, Chazan D, González GHerbst, P., Bieda, K., Chazan, D., and González, G. (2010). Representations of mathematics teaching and their use in teacher education: What do we need in a pedagogy for the 21st century? Proceedings of the 2010 Annual PME-NA conference. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University2010
Where’s the proof? Proof in U.S. high school geometry content standardsKosko K, Herbst PKosko, K.^ and Herbst, P. (2011). Where’s the proof? Proof in U.S. high school geometry content standards. Proceedings of the 2011 Annual PME-NA Conference. Reno, NV2011
The use of animations and online communication tools to support mathematics teachers in the practice of teachingChieu V, Herbst P, Weiss MChieu, V. M., Herbst, P., & Weiss, M. (2010). The use of animations and online communication tools to support mathematics teachers in the practice of teaching. In Gomez, K., Lyons, L., & Radinsky, J. (Eds.), Learning in the Disciplines: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2010) - Volume 2, Short Papers, Symposia, and Selected Abstracts (pp. 290-291). International Society of the Learning Sciences: Chicago, IL2010
Representations of mathematics teaching and their use in transforming teacher education: Contributions to a pedagogical frameworkHerbst P, Aaron W, Bieda K, González G, Chazan DHerbst, P., Aaron, W., Bieda, K., González, G., and Chazan, D. (2011). Representations of mathematics teaching and their use in transforming teacher education: Contributions to a pedagogical framework. Discussion document for the working group ‘representations of mathematics teaching’. Proceedings of the 2011 Annual PME-NA Conference. Reno, NV2011
Supporting mathematics teachers’ online discussion with the use of animated classroom stories as reference pointChieu V, Herbst PChieu, V.M. & Herbst, P.G. (2011). Supporting mathematics teachers’ online discussion with the use of animated classroom stories as reference point. In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (pp. 479-481). Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society2011
Analyzing the diagrammatic register in geometry textbooks: Toward a semiotic architectureDimmel J, Herbst PDimmel, J. & Herbst, P. (2012). Analyzing the diagrammatic register in geometry textbooks: Toward a semiotic architecture. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Kalamazoo, MI2012
Representations of mathematics teaching and their use in transforming teacher education: The role of approximations of practiceHerbst P, Aaron W, Bieda K, Moore-Russo DHerbst, P., Aaron, W., Bieda, K., and Moore-Russo, D. (2012). Representations of mathematics teaching and their use in transforming teacher education: The role of approximations of practice. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Kalamazoo, MI. Available on Deep Blue at The University of Michigan2012
Stories of agency: Do graduate students perceive themselves as part of the mathematical community?Shultz M, Herbst PShultz, M. & Herbst, P. (2017). Stories of agency: Do graduate students perceive themselves as part of the mathematical community? In Galindo, E., & Newton, J., (Eds.). Proceedings of the 39th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 1250-1253). Indianapolis, IN: Hoosier Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators2017
Expanding students’ role when doing proofs in high school geometryHerbst P, Shultz M, Ko I, Boileau N, Erickson AHerbst, P., Shultz, M., Ko, I., Boileau, N., and Erickson, A. (2018). Expanding students’ role when doing proofs in geometry. In T. Hodges, G. Roy, & A. Tyminski (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Greenvile, SC: University of South Carolina2018
The Role of emotions in simulations of practiceMilewski A, Bardelli E, Herbst PMilewski, A., Bardelli, E., and Herbst, P. (2019). The Role of emotions in simulations of practice. Research report accepted for publication with the Proceedings of the PMENA conference. St Louis, MO2019
Interactions with diagrams and the making of reasoned conjectures in geometryHerbst PHerbst, P. (2004). Interactions with diagrams and the making of reasoned conjectures in geometry. ZDM Mathematics Education, 36(5), 129-1392004
How can geometry students understand what it means to define in mathematics?Herbst P, González G, Macke MHerbst, P., González, G., and Macke, M. (2005). How can geometry students understand what it means to define in mathematics? The Mathematics Educator, 15(2), 17-242005
Knowing about “equal area” while proving a claim about equal areasHerbst PHerbst, P. (2005). Knowing about “equal area” while proving a claim about equal areas. Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques, 25, 11-562005
Proving and ‘doing proofs’ in high school geometry classes: What is ‘it’ that is going on for students and how do they make sense of it?Herbst P, Brach CHerbst, P. and Brach, C. (2006). Proving and ‘doing proofs’ in high school geometry classes: What is ‘it’ that is going on for students and how do they make sense of it? Cognition and Instruction, 24, 73-1222006
Teaching geometry with problems: Negotiating instructional situations and mathematical tasksHerbst PHerbst, P. (2006). Teaching geometry with problems: Negotiating instructional situations and mathematical tasks. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 37, 313-3472006
Teachers’ perspectives on “authentic mathematics” and the two-column proof formWeiss M, Herbst P, Chen CWeiss, M., Herbst, P., and Chen, C. (2009). Teachers’ perspectives on "authentic mathematics" and the two-column proof form. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 70 (3), 275-2932009
Methodologies for the study of instruction in mathematics classroomsHerbst P, Chazan DHerbst, P. and Chazan, D. (2009). Methodologies for the study of instruction in mathematics classrooms. Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques, 29(1), 11-322009
Students’ conceptions of congruency through the use of dynamic geometry softwareGonzález G, Herbst PGonzález, G. and Herbst, P. (2009). Students’ conceptions of congruency through the use of dynamic geometry software. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning 14(2), 153-1822009
Designing representations of trigonometry instruction to study the rationality of community college teachingMesa V, Herbst PMesa, V. and Herbst, P. (2011). Designing representations of trigonometry instruction to study the rationality of community college teaching. ZDM Mathematics Education. 43(1), 41–522011
Moving Toward More Authentic Proof Practices in GeometryCirillo M, Herbst PCirillo, M. and Herbst, P. (2012). Moving Toward More Authentic Proof Practices in Geometry. The Mathematics Educator, 21(2), 11-33.2012
Instructional identities of geometry studentsAaron W, Herbst PAaron, W.* and Herbst, P. (2012). Instructional identities of geometry students. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 31, 382– 400.2012
The interplay among gestures, discourse, and diagrams in students’ geometrical reasoningChen C, Herbst PChen, C. and Herbst, P. (2010). The interplay among gestures, discourse, and diagrams in students’ geometrical reasoning. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 83(2), 285-307.2010
An oral proof in a geometry class: How linguistic tools can help map the content of a proofGonzález G, Herbst PGonzález, G. and Herbst, P. (2013). An oral proof in a geometry class: How linguistic tools can help map the content of a proof. Cognition and Instruction, 31(3), 271-313.2013
The expression of agency by graduate teaching assistants and professors in relation to their professional obligationsShultz M, Herbst P, Schleppegrell MShultz, M., Herbst, P., & Schleppegrell, M. (2019). The expression of agency by graduate teaching assistants and professors in relation to their professional obligations. Linguistics and Education, 52, 33-43.2019
Tensions in teaching mathematics to future teachers: Understanding the practice of undergraduate mathematics instructorsMilewski A, Ion M, Herbst P, Shultz M, Ko I, Bleecker HMilewski, A., Ion, M., Herbst, P., Shultz, M., Ko, I., Bleecker, H. (2019). Tensions in teaching mathematics to future teachers: Understanding the practice of undergraduate mathematics instructors. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Division K-Teaching and Teacher Education, April 2019, Toronto, CANADA.2019
Developing practical measures to support the improvement of geometry for teachers coursesIon M, Herbst P, Margolis C, Milewski A, Ko IIon, M., Herbst, P., Margolis, C., Milewski, A., and Ko, I. (2019). Developing practical measures to support the improvement of geometry for teachers courses. In Otten, S., Candela, A. G., de Araujo, Z., Haines, C., & Munter, C. (Eds.). Proceedings of the forty-first annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 352-359). St Louis, MO: University of Missouri.2019
What influences do instructors of the geometry for teachers course need to contend with?Herbst P, Milewski A, Ion M, Bleecker HHerbst, P., Milewski, A., Ion, M., and Bleecker, H. (2018). What influences do instructors of the geometry for teachers course need to contend with? In T. Hodges, G. Roy, & A. Tyminski (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Greenvile, SC: University of South Carolina.2018
Managing to collaborate with secondary mathematics teachers at a distance: Using storyboards as a virtual place for practice and consideration of realistic classroom contingenciesMilewski A, Herbst P, Stevens IMilewski, A., Herbst, P., and Stevens, I. (2020). Managing to collaborate with secondary mathematics teachers at a distance: Using storyboards as a virtual place for practice and consideration of realistic classroom contingencies. In Ferdig, R.E., Baumgartner, E., Hartshorne, R., Kaplan-Rakowski, R. & Mouza, C. (Eds). (2020). Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stories from the Field. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)2020
Using StoryCircles to inquire into the social and representational infrastructure of lesson-centered teacher collaborationHerbst P, Milewski AHerbst, P. and Milewski, A. (2020, February). Using StoryCircles to inquire into the social and representational infrastructure of lesson-centered teacher collaboration. In H. Borko & D. Potari (Eds.), Teachers of Mathematics Working and Learning in Collaborative Groups: Proceedings from ICMI Study 25 (pp. 629-636). Lisbon, Portugal: University of Lisbon.2020
A heuristic approach to assess change in mathematical knowledge for teaching geometry after a practice-based professional learning interventionKo I, Herbst P, Milewski AKo, I., Herbst, P., Milewski, A. (2020). A heuristic approach to assess change in mathematical knowledge for teaching geometry after a practice-based professional learning intervention. Research in Mathematics Education. 1- 21.2020
Virtual Experimentation: Cartoon avatars and storyboards give teachers the chance to explore their practiceDuggan BDuggan, B. (2019). Virtual Experimentation: Cartoon avatars and storyboards give teachers the chance to explore their practice. Michigan Education Magazine, Fall 2019, p. 24 - 252019
What can we learn about the differences between experts and novices from their responses to a mathematics teaching simulation?Herbst P, Shultz M, Bardelli E, Milewski A, Boileau NHerbst, P., Shultz, M., Bardelli, E., Milewski, A., & Boileau, N. (2019). What can we learn about the differences between experts and novices from their responses to a mathematics teaching simulation? Educational Studies in Mathematics. Springer.2019
What simulation­-based mentoring may afford: Opportunities to connect theory and practice.Herbst P, Boileau N, Shultz M, Milewski A, Chieu V MHerbst P., Boileau N., Shultz M., Milewski A., Chieu VM. (2020) What Simulation-Based Mentoring May Afford: Opportunities to Connect Theory and Practice. In: Bradley E. (eds) Games and Simulations in Teacher Education. Advances in Game-Based Learning. Springer, Cham.2020
Data do not drive themselvesWieman RWieman, R. (2018). Data do not drive themselves. Mathematics Teacher 111, no. 9 (May 2018.)2018
Learning from Mistakes: Not Just for Students. Teachers College RecordWieman R, Hiebert JWieman, R. and Hiebert, J. (2018). Learning from Mistakes: Not Just for Students. Teachers College Record2018
Working collectively to design online teacher education curriculum: How do teacher educators manage to do it?Milewski A, Gürsel U, Herbst PMilewski, A., Gürsel, U., & Herbst, P. (2017). Working collectively to design online teacher education curriculum: How do teacher educators manage to do it? In Galindo, E., & Newton, J., (Eds.). Proceedings of the 39th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 112-119). Indianapolis, IN: Hoosier Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.2017
Preservice teachers’ learning paths of classroom discourse through scriptingLim W, Roberts-Harris D, Kim HLim, W., Roberts-Harris, D., & Kim, H. (2018). Preservice teachers’ learning paths of classroom discourse through scripting. In R. Zazkis and P. Herbst (Eds.), Scripting approaches in mathematics education: Mathematical dialogues in research and practice (pp. 293-319). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.2018
Investigating Patterns of Pre-service Teachers’ Written Feedback on Procedure-based Mathematics Assessment ItemsLee M Y, Lim WLee, M.Y. and Lim, W. (2020). Investigating Patterns of Pre-service Teachers’ Written Feedback on Procedure-based Mathematics Assessment Items. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics education. 15(1), 5946.2020
“It was smart when:” Supporting prospective teachers’ noticing of students’ mathematical strengthsKalinec‑Craig C, Bannister N, Bowen D, Jacques L, Crespo SKalinec-Craig, C.A., Bannister, N., Bowen, D. et al (2020). “It was smart when:” Supporting prospective teachers’ noticing of students’ mathematical strengths. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education .2020
Directing focus and enabling inquiry with representations of practice: Written cases, storyboards, and teacher educationHerbst P, Boileau N, Clark L, Milewski A, Chieu V M, Gürsel U, Chazan DHerbst, P., Boileau, N., Clark, L., Milewski, A., Chieu, V. M., Gürsel, U., & Chazan, D. (2017). Directing focus and enabling inquiry with representations of practice: Written cases, storyboards, and teacher education. In Galindo, E., & Newton, J., (Eds.). Proceedings of the 39th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 789-796). Indianapolis, IN: Hoosier Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.2017
On dialogue and stories as representations of practice: Introduction to the bookHerbst PHerbst, P. (2018). On dialogue and stories as representations of practice: Introduction to the book. In R. Zazkis and P. Herbst (Eds.), Scripting approaches in mathematics education: Mathematical dialogues in research and practice (pp. 1-19). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.2018
Generating, appraising, and revising representations of mathematics teaching with prospective teachersCrespo SCrespo, S. (2018). Generating, appraising, and revising representations of mathematics teaching with prospective teachers. In R. Zazkis and P. Herbst (Eds.), Scripting approaches in mathematics education: Mathematical dialogues in research and practice (pp. 249-264). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.2018
What can you infer from this example? Applications of online, rich-media tasks for enhancing pre-service teachers’ knowledge of the roles of examples in provingBuchbinder O, Zodik I, Ron G, Cook ABuchbinder, O., Zodik, I., Ron, G., & Cook, A. (2017). What can you infer from this example? Applications of online, rich-media tasks for enhancing pre-service teachers’ knowledge of the roles of examples in proving. In A. Leung, & A. Baccaglini-Frank (Eds.), Digital technologies in designing mathematics education tasks: Potential and pitfalls (215-235). Switzerland: Springer.2017
Examining the mathematical knowledge for teaching of proving in scenarios written by pre-service teachersBuchbinder O, Cook ABuchbinder, O., & Cook, A. (2018). Examining the mathematical knowledge for teaching of proving in scenarios written by pre-service teachers. In O. Buchbinder and S. Kuntze (Eds.), Mathematics Teachers Engaging with Representations of Practice (pp. 131-154). Springer, Cham.2018
“Who is right?” What students’ and prospective teachers’ responses to scripted dialog reveal about their conceptions of proofBuchbinder OBuchbinder, O. (2018). “Who is right?” What students’ and prospective teachers’ responses to scripted dialog reveal about their conceptions of proof. In R. Zazkis & P. Herbst (Eds.), Scripting approaches in mathematics education: Mathematical dialogues in research and practice (pp. 89- 113), New York, NY: Springer.2018
Does the medium matter? A comparison of secondary mathematics preservice teachers’ representations of practice created in text and storyboarding mediaRougée A, Herbst PRougée, A., & Herbst, P. (2018). Does the medium matter? A comparison of secondary mathematics preservice teachers’ representations of practice created in text and storyboarding media. In R. Zazkis and P. Herbst (Eds.), Scripting approaches in mathematics education: Mathematical dialogues in research and practice (pp. 265-292). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.2018
LessonSketch: An environment for teachers to examine mathematical practice and learn about its standardsHerbst P, Aaron W, Chieu V MHerbst, P., Aaron, W., & Chieu, V. M. (2013). LessonSketch: An environment for teachers to examine mathematical practice and learn about its standards. In D. Polly (Ed.), Common core mathematics standards and implementing digital technologies (pp. 281-294). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.2013
Solving equations: Exploring instructional exchanges as lenses to understand teaching and its resistance to reformBuchbinder O, Chazan D I, Capozzoli MBuchbinder, O., Chazan, D. I., & Capozzoli, M. (2019). Solving equations: Exploring instructional exchanges as lenses to understand teaching and its resistance to reform. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 50(1), 51-83.2019
Geometry teachers’ mathematical sensibility: The role of theory-building and problem-solving in the secondary Geometry courseWeiss M, Herbst PWeiss, M., & Herbst, P. (2015). Geometry teachers' mathematical sensibility: The role of theory-building and problem-solving in the secondary Geometry course. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 89(2), 205-2292015
Seeing a colleague encourage a student to make an assumption while proving: What teachers put to play in casting an episode of geometry instructionNachlieli T, Herbst P, González GNachlieli, T., & Herbst, P., with González, G. (2009). Seeing a colleague encourage a student to make an assumption while proving: What teachers put to play in casting an episode of geometry instruction. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 40(4), 427-459.2009
When, how, and why prove theorems: A methodology to study the perspective of geometry teachersHerbst P, Miyakawa THerbst, P., & Miyakawa, T. (2008). When, how, and why prove theorems: A methodology to study the perspective of geometry teachers. ZDM Mathematics Education, 40(3), 469-4862008
Las tareas matemáticas como instrumentos en la investigación de los fenómenos de gestión de la instrucción: un ejemplo en geometría [Mathematical tasks as instruments for research on the phenomena of instruction management: An example in geometry]Herbst PHerbst, P. (2012). Las tareas matemáticas como instrumentos en la investigación de los fenómenos de gestión de la instrucción: un ejemplo en geometría [Mathematical tasks as instruments for research on the phenomena of instruction management: An example in geometry]. Avances de Investigación en Educación Matemática, 1, 5-22.2012
What can designed reference points in an animated classroom story contribute to support teachers’ study of practice?Chieu VM, Aaron W, Herbst PChieu, V.M., Aaron, W., & Herbst, P. (2018). What can designed reference points in an animated classroom story contribute to support teachers’ study of practice? In R. Zazkis and P. Herbst (Eds.), Scripting approaches in mathematics education: Mathematical dialogues in research and practice (pp. 147-162). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.2018
Challenges of particularity and generality in depicting and discussing teaching.Chazan D, Herbst PChazan, D., & Herbst, P. (2011). Challenges of particularity and generality in depicting and discussing teaching. For the Learning of Mathematics, 31(1), 9-13.2011
Constructing plausible, but uncommon stories: Gaining subversive insight into the school mathematics tradition.Chazan D, Gilead S, Cochran KChazan, D., Gilead, S., & Cochran, K. (2018). Constructing plausible, but uncommon stories: Gaining subversive insight into the school mathematics tradition. In R. Zazkis & P. Herbst (Eds.), Scripting approaches in mathematics education (pp. 53-72). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.2018
Teachers’ perceptions of students’ mathematical work while making conjectures: An examination of teacher discussions of an animated geometry classroom scenario.Aaron W, Herbst PAaron, W., & Herbst, P. (2015). Teachers’ perceptions of students’ mathematical work while making conjectures: An examination of teacher discussions of an animated geometry classroom scenario. International Journal of STEM Education, 2(10), 1-13.2015
The teacher’s perspective on the separation between conjecturing and proving in high school geometry classroomsAaron W, Herbst PAaron, W., & Herbst, P. (2019). The teacher’s perspective on the separation between conjecturing and proving in high school geometry classrooms. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 22(3), 231-256.2019
Technology-Mediated Mathematics Teacher Development: Research on Digital Pedagogies of PracticeHerbst P, Chazan D, Chieu V M, Milewski A, Kosko K, Aaron W,Herbst, P., Chazan, D., Chieu, V. M., Milewski, A., Kosko, K., and Aaron, W. (2016). Technology-Mediated Mathematics Teacher Development: Research on Digital Pedagogies of Practice. In M. Niess, K. Hollebrands, & S. Driskell (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Transforming Mathematics Teacher Education in the Digital Age (pp. 78-106). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.2016
Research on the Teaching of Mathematics: A Call to Theorize the Role of Society and Schooling in MathematicsChazan D, Herbst P, Clark L,Chazan, D., Herbst, P., and Clark, L. (2016). Research on the Teaching of Mathematics: A Call to Theorize the Role of Society and Schooling in Mathematics. In D. Gitomer and C. Bell (Eds.), Handbook of research on teaching (5th ed., pp. 1039-1097). Washington, DC: AERA. 2016
The Role of Theory Development in Increasing the Subject Specificity of Research on Mathematics TeachingHerbst P, Chazan D,Herbst, P. and Chazan, D. (2017). The role of theory development in increasing the subject specificity of research on mathematics teaching. In J. Cai (Ed.), Compendium for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 102-127). Reston, VA: NCTM.2017
The Learning and Teaching of Secondary School Geometry: A Modeling PerspectiveHerbst P, Fujita T, Halverscheid S, Weiss M,Herbst, P., Fujita, T., Halverscheid, S., and Weiss, M. (2017). The learning and teaching of secondary school geometry: A modeling perspective. New York: Routledge.2017
Technology tools for mathematics teacher learning: How might they support the development of capacity for specific teaching assignments?Herbst P, Chazan D, Milewski A,Herbst, P., Chazan, D., & Milewski, A. (2020). Technology tools for mathematics teacher learning: How might they support the development of capacity for specific teaching assignments? In O. Chapman & S. Llinares (Eds.), Handbook of research in mathematics teacher education (pp. 223-251). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Sense.2020
Mathematical Reasoning and Proving for Prospective Secondary TeachersBuchbinder O, McCrone S,Buchbinder, O. & McCrone, S. (2018). Mathematical Reasoning and Proving for Prospective Secondary Teachers, Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, (pp. 115).2018
Learning to Notice and Name Students’ Mathematical Strengths: A Digital ExperienceBannister N, Kalinec-Craig C, Bowen D, Crespo S,Bannister, N., Kalinec-Craig, C., Bowen, D., & Crespo, S. (2018). Learning to notice and name students? mathematical strengths: A digital experience, Journal for Technology and Teacher Education, (26 pp. 13.)2018
On-Ramps to Professional Practice: Selecting and Implementing Digital Technologies for Virtual Field ExperiencesSweeney J, Milewski A, Amidon J,Sweeney, J., Milewski, A., & Amidon, J. (2018). On-ramps to professional practice: Selecting and implementing digital technologies for virtual field experiences, Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, (18).2018
Patterns Linking Interpreting and Deciding How to Respond during the Launch of a Lesson: Noticing from an Integrated PerspectiveWieman R, Webel C,Wieman, R. and Webel, C. (2019). Patterns Linking Interpreting and Deciding How to Respond During the Launch of a Lesson: Noticing from an Integrated Perspective. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 20.2019
The role of simulations for supporting professional growth: Teachers’ engagement in virtual professional experimentationMilewski A, Herbst P, Bardelli E, Hetrick C,Milewski, A., Herbst, P., Bardelli, E., and Hetrick, C. (2018). The role of simulations for supporting professional growth: Teachers? engagement in virtual professional experimentation, Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, (26 pp. 103).2018
Using Simulated Teaching Experiences to Perturb Preservice Teachers’ Mathematics Questioning PracticesWebel C, Conner K,Webel, C., & Conner, K. (2017). Using simulated teaching experiences to perturb preservice teachers? mathematics questioning practices, Mathematics Teacher Educator, (6, pp. 9).2017
How to envision equitable mathematics instruction: Views of U.S. and Korean preservice teachersLee J, Kim J, Kim S, Lim W,Lee, J., Kim, J-H., Kim, S-M., & Lim, W. (2018). How to envision equitable mathematics instruction: Views of U.S. and Korean preservice teachers, Teaching and Teacher Education, (69 pp. 275).2018
Meet Me in Azul’s Room: Designing a Virtual Field Placement for Learning to Teach MathematicsAmidon J, Chazan D, Grosser-Clarkson D, Fleming E,Amidon, J., Chazan, D., Grosser-Clarkson, D., & Fleming, E. (2017). Meet me in Azul?s room: Designing a virtual field placement for learning to teach mathematics, Mathematics Teacher Educator, (6, pp. 52).2017
Preservice Teachers’ Questioning: Comparing Platforms for Practice-Based Teacher EducationWeston T, Kosko K, Amador J, Estapa A,Weston, T., Kosko, K., Amador, J. & Estapa, A. (2018). Preservice Teachers? Questioning: Comparing Platforms for Practice-Based Teacher Education, Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, (26, pp. 149).2018
Using Technology in Representing Practice to Support Preservice Teachers’ Quality Questioning: The Roles of Noticing in Improving PracticeWalkoe J, Levin DM,Walkoe, J. & Levin, D.M. (2018). Using Technology in Representing Practice to Support Preservice Teachers? Quality Questioning: The Roles of Noticing in Improving Practice, Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, (26, pp. 127).2018
Technological supports for practice-based teacher educationChazan D, Herbst P, Fleming E, Grosser-Clarkson D,Chazan, D., Herbst, P., Fleming, E. & Grosser-Clarkson, D. (2018). Technological supports for practice-based teacher education, Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, (26, pp. 5).2018
Supporting prospective secondary mathematics teachers in creating instructional explanations through video based experienceBuchbinder OBuchbinder, O. (2018). Supporting prospective secondary mathematics teachers in creating instructional explanations through video based experience, Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, (26, pp. 33).2018
A study of the quality of interaction among participants in online animation-based conversations about mathematics teachingChieu VM, Herbst P,Chieu, V. M., & Herbst, P. (2016). A study of the quality of interaction among participants in online animation-based conversations about mathematics teaching., Teaching and Teacher Education, (57, pp. 139-149).2016
A Cross-National Study on Pre-service Teachers’ Conceptions of Equitable Mathematics TeachingLee J, Kim J, Lim W, Kim SLee, J., Kim, J., Lim, W., & Kim, S. (2016). A cross-national study on pre-service teachers? conceptions of equitable mathematics teaching., Education of Primary School Mathematics,, (19, pp. 349-360).2016
Celebrating Diversity by Sharing Multiple Solution MethodsLim W, Kim H, Stallings L, Son J,Lim, W., Kim, H., Stallings, L., & Son, J. (2015). Celebrating diversity by sharing multiple solution methods, The Mathematics Teacher, (109, pp. 209).2015
Pedagogies of practice and opportunities to learn about classroom mathematics discussionsGhousseini H, Herbst P,Ghousseini, H., & Herbst, P. (2016). Pedagogies of practice and opportunities to learn about classroom mathematics discussions., Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, (19, pp. 79).2016
What Details Do Geometry Teachers Expect in Students’ Proofs? A Method for Experimentally Testing Possible Classroom NormsDimmel J, Herbst P,Dimmel, J and Herbst, P. (2014). What details do geometry teachers expect in students? proofs? A method for experimentally testing possible classroom norms, Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, (2, pp. 393).2014
What Details Do Teachers Expect From Student Proofs? A Study of Proof Checking in GeometryDimmel J, Herbst P,Dimmel, J. K., & Herbst, P. G. (2018). What Details Do Teachers Expect From Student Proofs? A Study of Proof Checking in Geometry, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education JRME, 49(3), 261-291.2018
Secondary mathematics teachers’ attitudes toward alternative communication practices when doing proofs in geometryDimmel J, Herbst P,Dimmel, J and Herbst, P. (2017). Secondary mathematics teachers? expectations of student communication practices when doing proofs in geometry., Teaching and Teacher Education, (69, pp. 151).2017
Mathematics Teachers’ Recognition of an Obligation to the Discipline and Its Role in the Justification of Instructional ActionsHerbst P, Dimmel J, Ericson A, Ko I, Kosko K,Herbst, P., Dimmel, J., Erickson, A., Ko, I., & Kosko, K. (2014). Mathematics teachers? recognition of an obligation to the discipline and its role in the justification of instructional actions, Proceedings of the 2014 annual meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, (3, pp. 273).2014
Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching High School GeometryHerbst P, Kosko KW,Herbst, P. and Kosko, K. (2012). Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching High School Geometry, Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, (pp. 438).2012
Measuring Recognition of the Professional Obligations of Mathematics Teaching: The Prob SurveysHerbst P, Ko I,Herbst, P. and Ko, I. (2017). "Measuring recognition of the professional obligations of mathematics teaching, Proceedings of the 39th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education., (pp. 1242). 2017
Teoría y métodos para la investigación de la racionalidad de la práctica en la enseñanza de las matemáticasHerbst P,herbst, P. (2018). Teoría y métodos para la investigación de la racionalidad de la práctica en la enseñanza de las matemáticas (Theory and methods for research on the practical rationality of mathematics teaching), Educación Matemática (Mexico), (30, pp. 11).2018
Teachers’ Recognition of the Diagrammatic Register and its Relationship with their Mathematical Knowledge for TeachingBoileau N, Dimmel J, Herbst P,Boileau, N., Dimmel, J.K., & Herbst, P. G. (2016). Teachers? recognition of the diagrammatic register and its relationship with their mathematical knowledge for teaching., Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, (pp. 266).2016
Teachers’ Expectation about Geometric Calculations in High School GeometryBoileau N, Herbst P,Boileau, N., & Herbst, P. G. (2015). Teachers' expectations about geometric calculations in high school geometry, Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, (pp. 269).2015
An Instrumental Co-Genesis Approach to Developing an Online Practice-based Environment for TeacherChieu VM, Boileau N, Herbst P,Chieu, V. M., Boileau, N., & Herbst, P. (2015). An Instrumental Co-Genesis Approach to Developing an Online Practice-based Environment for Teacher Education., Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, (1, pp. 2763). 2015
Evaluating Teachers’ Decisions in Posing a Proof ProblemKosko K, Herbst P,Kosko, K. and Herbst, P. (2012). Evaluating Teachers? Decisions in Posing a Proof Problem, Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education., (pp. 813).2012
How Are Geometric Proof Problems Presented? Conceptualizing and Measuring Teachers’ Recognition of the Diagrammatic RegisterHerbst P, Kosko K, Dimmel J,Herbst, P., Kosko, K., and Dimmel, J. (2013). How are geometric proof problems presented? Conceptualizing and measuring teachers? recognition of the diagrammatic register., Proceedings of the 35th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, (pp. 179).2013
Insights into the School Mathematics Tradition from Solving Linear EquationsBuchbinder O, Chazan D, Fleming E,Buchbinder, O., Chazan, D., and Fleming, E. (2015). Insights into the school mathematics tradition from solving linear equations, For the Learning of Mathematics, (35, pp. 2).2015
When mathematics teachers consider acting on behalf of the discipline, what assumptions do they make?Milewski A, Erickson A, Herbst P, Dimmel J,Milewski, A., Erickson, A., Herbst, P., & Dimmel, J. (2015). When mathematics teachers consider acting on behalf of the discipline, what assumptions do they make?, Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, (pp. 1130).2015
Using representations of practice to elicit mathematics teachers’ tacit knowledge of practice: a comparison of responses to animations and videosHerbst P, Kosko KW,Herbst, P. and Kosko, K. (2014). Using representations of practice to elicit mathematics teachers? tacit knowledge of practice: a comparison of responses to animations and videos, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, (17, pp. 515). 2014
Using multimedia questionnaires to study influences on the decisions mathematics teachers make in instructional situationsHerbst P, Chazan D, Kosko K, Dimmel J, Erickson A,Herbst, P, Chazan, D., Kosko, K., Dimmel, J., and Erickson, A. (2016). Using multimedia questionnaires to study influences on the decisions mathematics teachers make in instructional situations., ZDM-The International Journal of Mathematics Education, (48, pp. 167).2016
Will Teachers Create Opportunities for Discussion when Teaching Proof in a Geometry Classroom?Erickson A, Herbst P,Erickson, A. and Herbst, P. (2018). Will teachers create opportunities for discussion when teaching proof in a geometry classroom?, International Journal of Mathematics and Science Education, (16, pp. 167).2018
Investigating Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Attitudes toward Alternative Communication Practices While Doing Proofs in GeometryDimmel J, Herbst P,Dimmel, J. and Herbst, P. (2015). Investigating secondary mathematics teachers? attitudes toward alternative communication practices while doing proofs in geometry, Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, (pp. 277). 2015
Designing Reference Points in Animated Classroom Stories to Support Teacher Learners’ Online DiscussionsChieu VM, Herbst P,Chieu, V. and Herbst, P. (2013). Designing reference points in animated classroom stories to support teacher learners? online discussions., 10th International conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, (1, pp. 89). 2013
LessonSketch: A Rich-Media Scenario-Based Learning Environment for Teacher DevelopmentChieu VM, Herbst P,Chieu, V. and Herbst, P. (2012). LessonSketch: A Rich-Media Scenario based learning environment for teacher development, Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, (pp. 968).2012
Approximating the Practice of Mathematics Teaching: What Learning Can Web-based, Multimedia Storyboarding Software Enable?Herbst P, Chieu VM, Rougee A,Herbst, P., Chieu, V.M., and Rougee, A. (2014). Approximating the Practice of Mathematics Teaching: What Learning Can Web-based, Multimedia Storyboarding Software Enable?, Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, CITE journal, (14)2014
Using multimedia scenarios delivered online to study professional knowledge use in practiceHerbst P, Chazan D,Herbst, P. and Chazan, D. (2015). Using Multimedia Scenarios Delivered Online to Study Professional Knowledge Use in Practice., International Journal of Research and Method in Education, (38).2015
An Analysis of Evaluative Comments in Teachers’ Online Discussions of Representations of PracticeChieu VM, Kosko K, Herbst P,Chieu, V. M., Kosko, K., and Herbst P. (2015). An analysis of evaluative comments in teachers? online discussions of representations of practice., Journal of Teacher Education, (66).2015
“You Are Learning Well My Dear”: Shifts in Novice Teachers’ Talk About Teaching During Their InternshipBieda K, Sela H, Chazan D,Bieda, K., Sela, H., and Chazan, D. (2015). "You are learning well my dear": How student teaching influences intern teachers talk' about teaching during their internship. Journal of Teacher Education, (66).2015
What actions do teachers envision when asked to facilitate mathematical argumentation in the classroom?Kosko K, Rougee A, Herbst P,Kosko, K., Rougee, A., and Herbst, P. (2014). What actions do teachers envision when asked to facilitate mathematical argumentation in the classroom?, Mathematics Education Research Journal, (26, pp. 459).2014
Research on Practical Rationality: Studying the justification of actions in mathematics teachingHerbst P, Chazan D,Herbst, P., and Chazan, D. (2011). Research on Practical Rationality: Studying the Justification of Actions in Mathematics Teaching., The Mathematics Enthusiast, (8, pp. 405).2011
On the instructional triangle and sources of justification for actions in mathematics teachingHerbst P, Chazan D,Herbst, P and Chazan, D. (2012). On the instructional triangle and sources of justification for actions in mathematics teaching. ZDM The International Journal of Mathematics Education (44th ed., pp. 601-612).2012
On creating and using representations of mathematics teaching in research and teacher developmentHerbst P, Chazan D,Herbst, P., and Chazan, D. (2011). On creating and using representations of mathematics teaching in research and teacher development: Introduction to this issue., ZDM Mathematics Education, (43, pp. 1).2011
A deeper look at how teachers say what they say: A quantitative modality analysis of teacher-to-teacher talkKosko K, Herbst P,Kosko, K. and Herbst, P. (2011). A deeper look at how teachers say what they say: A quantitative modality analysis of teacher-to-teacher talk., Teaching and Teacher Education, (28, pp. 589).2011
Animations of Classroom Interaction: Expanding the Boundaries of Video Records of PracticeChazan D, Herbst PChazan D. and Herbst, P. (2012). Animations of Classroom Interaction: Expanding the Boundaries of Video Records of Practice., Teachers' College Record, 114(3)2012
Using comics-based representations of teaching, and technology, to bring practice to teacher education coursesHerbst P, Chazan D, Chen C, Chieu VM, Weiss MHerbst, P., Chazan, D., Chen, C., Chieu, V., and Weiss, M. (2011). Using comics-based representations of teaching, and technology, to bring practice to university 'methods' courses., ZDM-The international journal of mathematics education.2011
Designing an intelligent teaching simulator for learning to teach by practicingChieu V M, Herbst PChieu, V.M. and Herbst, P. (2011). Designing an Intelligent Teaching Simulator for Learning by Practicing in the Practice of Mathematics Teaching., ZDM-The international journal of mathematics education.2011
Is the Role of Equations in the Doing of Word Problems in School Algebra Changing? Initial Indications From Teacher Study GroupsChazan D, Sela H, Herbst P,Chazan, D. Sela, H., and Herbst, P. (2012). Is the role of equations in the doing of word problems in school algebra changing? Initial indications from teacher study groups., Cognition and Instruction, (30(1), pp. 1-38).2012
Effect of an Animated Classroom Story Embedded in Online Discussion on Helping Mathematics Teachers Learn to NoticeChieu VM, Herbst P, Weiss M,Chieu, V., Herbst, P., and Weiss, M. (2011). Effect of an Animated Classroom Story Embedded in Online Discussion on Helping Mathematics Teachers Learn to Notice., Journal of the Learning Sciences, 20(4), (pp. 589).2011
Opening the closed text: the poetics of representations of teachingWeiss M,Weiss, M. (2011). Opening the closed text: The poetics of representations of teaching, ZDM-The international journal of mathematics education.2011
Studying the Practical Rationality of Mathematics Teaching: What Goes Into “Installing” a Theorem in Geometry?Herbst P, Nachlieli T, Chazan D,Patricio Herbst, Talli Nachlieli, and Daniel Chazan. (2011). Studying the Practical Rationality of Mathematics Teaching: What Goes Into “Installing” a Theorem in Geometry?, Cognition and Instruction, 29(2), (pp. 1).2011
Exploring the Practical Rationality of Mathematics Teaching through Conversations about Videotaped Episodes: The Case of Engaging Students in ProvingHerbst P, Chazan D,Patricio Herbst and Daniel Chazan. (2003). Exploring the Practical Rationality of Mathematics Teaching through Conversations about Videotaped Episodes: The Case of Engaging Students in Proving, For the Learning of Mathematics, (23, pp. 2).2003
The Semiotic Structure of Geometry Diagrams: How Textbook Diagrams Convey MeaningDimmel J, Herbst P,Justin K. Dimmel, & Patricio G. Herbst. (2015). The Semiotic Structure of Geometry Diagrams: How Textbook Diagrams Convey Meaning. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 46(2), 147–195. 2015
Describing Curricular Materials for Mathematics Teacher Education in an Online, Rich Media PlatformChazan D, Herbst P, Grosser-Clarkson D, Fleming E, Walkoe J, Alibegovic E,Chazan D., Herbst P., Grosser-Clarkson D., Fleming E., Walkoe J., Alibegović E. (2018) Describing Curricular Materials for Mathematics Teacher Education in an Online, Rich Media Platform. In: Silverman J., Hoyos V. (eds) Distance Learning, E-Learning and Blended Learning in Mathematics Education. ICME-13 Monographs. Springer, Cham2018
Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching and its Specificity to High School Geometry InstructionHerbst P, Kosko KW,Herbst, P., & Kosko, K. (2014). Mathematical knowledge for teaching and its specificity to high school geometry instruction. In J. Lo, K. R. Leatham, & L. R. Van Zoest (Eds.), Research Trends in Mathematics Teacher Education (pp. 23-45). New York, NY: Springer.2014
Can a Teaching Simulation Predict Novice and Expert Teachers’ Decision-Making?Chieu V, Boileau N, Huisinga M, Milewski A, Herbst PChieu, V. M., Boileau, N., Huisinga, M., Milewski, A., and Herbst, P. (2017). Can a Teaching Simulation Predict Novice and Expert Teachers' Decision Making? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of AERA, San Antonio, TX2017
What StoryCircles Can Do for Mathematics Teaching and Teacher EducationHerbst P, Milewski A,Herbst P., Milewski A. (2018) What StoryCircles Can Do for Mathematics Teaching and Teacher Education. In: Zazkis R., Herbst P. (eds) Scripting Approaches in Mathematics Education. Advances in Mathematics Education. Springer, Cham2018
Studying Decision Making in Instructional Situations: The Affordances of Multimedia QuestionnairesHerbst P, Chazan D, Kosko K, Dimmel J, Erickson A,Herbst, P., Chazan, D., Kosko, K., Dimmel, J, and Erickson, A. (2015). Studying Decision Making in Instructional Situations: The Affordances of Multimedia Questionnaires, ZDM-The International Journal of Mathematics Education,2015